Coffee? Scotch? Soda? Yes, in that order. Our nationally broadcasted commercials have reached millions of viewers and turned just as many heads. We know the meaning of a strong edit.
Have you just launched the greatest show on earth? Well, make everyone a believer and save your breath by showing it off with Luna Lyte. We have been involved in award winning groundbreaking event production for over 8 years, delivering dozens of event recaps, visuals, promos & case studies while encapsulating vivid memories in the process.
Trailers are a vital stone in the build up to a successful film release whether it be on the silver screen or streaming at home. Turning your 2 hour movie into a 2 minute thrill ride is our specialty. Luna Lyte has proudly created trailers that have aired on national cable broadcast as well as worldwide VOD markets, earning nominations at the prestigious Golden Trailer Awards along the way.
History is our passion, and we pride ourselves in going down the rabbit hole in order to fully immerse our documentary storytelling with compelling narrative, impeccable research and accurate detail. Is there a stone left unturned? No? Good.
We like loud noises. Luna Lyte has edited in a variety of athletic realms, crafting video for the MLB, NFL, MLS, NCAA, King of the Cage, NPC Bodybuilding & produced over 100 hours of Pro-wrestling programs, featuring top-tier talent across multiple promotions and cable networks.
Luna Lyte has produced & edited video for live audiences ranging from the annual Golden Trailer Awards and the Samsung National Summit, to the first Goldman Sachs investor day. Our goal is to set the emotion and tone of the event, engaging the audience and bringing the room to life. Remember, applause is earned.
Alas, you have made it to the bottom. Here is our tasty reel for your patience.
Luna Lyte Studios - B-house
Oh. Hello -
"Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars"